Wabi Sabi

There is something so appealing about things that show age, a previous life lived. I don’t mean completely trashed, though there are cases where that could apply, but more where something is worn in ways that Hollywood prop-makes strive to replicate, an authentic “lived-in” feel of textures and tones, the randomness that only passage of time can truly create. In the car world it would be like comparing an all original barn-find with decades of use (and storage) to a full concourse level rotisserie restoration - or worse, a new build with an original VIN plate like you often see with some classics like ‘32 Ford V8 Coupes or Mustangs.

I know some people won’t agree with me but that's fine, everyone has different tastes. What I love is something that doesn’t shy away from being used and showing it, there might be some dings and imperfections but still has all the features you could hope for. Rock chips, faded paint. Sometimes things are a bit more on the rough side but still have some unbeatable character with untold stories of long lost memories. It doesn’t even need to be something particularly special or unique, the imperfections that come with time are a special kind of beauty.

With watches it is on a far more personal level than most other things, this is something that someone wore through their day-to-day life,  through good times and bad. While sometimes you might be lucky enough to have a story to tie to it more often than not the stories tied to it are a mystery. It could be as simple as a birthday, a wedding, mariage, an anniversary or long service award. I could be something that someone carried through school or through combat, something that traveled the world, went to space, or just stayed on the family farm. Sometimes there are clues - names, dates, places - but the telltale signs of use tell even more of a story. 

Memories fade, time moves on, the marks from its passing, however, remain and are there to be enjoyed. Embrace wabi sabi, the imperfections that come with age and use are irreplaceable.


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